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Friday, September 4, 2015

On Segovia

Segovia is a magical town. Fact. 

We went to Segovia today and I don’t really know how to sum up a town like that. To start off, we took this fantastic coach bus. And for everyone who knows I get car sick- didn't even throw up. Great day huh?

Our tour guide Mariano was really great. I made the mistake of telling him that ‘one of our professors said that a lot of people think Segovia is a bit of an ugly town, what do you think?’ and he jokingly got offended (well maybe real offended, I don’t know) and spent the next 30 minutes looking back at me whenever he would talk about how beautiful Segovia is. “?que te pareces?” forgive my laziness for lack of accents and such. Too lazy to do it on blogger.

Segovia is a little town. Mariano said you can walk the whole town from one side to the other in twenty minutes. Or at least the central part of town, obviously. Segovia has to stretch further than that haha…. There is an INCREDIBLE Cathedral in the central part of the city. Everything else beyond this I am writing for Olivia: I took some pictures, but honestly they don’t do it justice. I know I sound like an arquitectural snob in saying that, but I’ve honestly never seen a building as breathtaking as this one. Blows my stinking mind!!!

Segovia is also known for two foods in particular, 1. Ponche y 2. Puerco cochinillo. Ponche is like… Alyssa and Kat have said it’s like “marzipan” or “custard” but I’m just a filthy casual and don’t actually know what those are. So I’d say it’s like the sweetest and most dense piece of cake you’ve ever eaten. Puerco chochinillo is a type of pork. If I understood Mariano, it’s of a lil baby pig that’s like 20 days old or something like that… I actually don’t know enough about it to say anything else. So anyhow, we tried ponche! It was great but literally something I could have no more than two bites of. A year.

In other news of things that aren’t important: a lot of men here shave their legs. I don’t get it. Really I don’t. I guess they can get away with it though since they have these full-fledged Spanish beards at the same time.

We went to Madrid yesterday and I totally was kissed by a minion! So thanks everyone who said I would fall in love and never come home from Spain. I fell in love with a minion and I'm never coming back. We locked eyes, he said "ba na na?" and then grabbed me by the head and kissed me while saying "mi amor, mi amor!!" in between minion gibberish. Also I think I forgot to mention this was a real person in a minion costume haha...details

Saw my first lizard today !!

One more thing,

We have this cute little neighbor named Joshua. To explain a bit more about our living arrangements... imagine three doors. They're attached to a building obviously, and it's built vertically. My host family lives on the left. We live in the middle. Joshua lives on the right. But all the apartments are connected in the back by a patio that we all share. Gloria and her family own all three apartments and rent out the rooms. For example, Kat and I live at the top of the middle apartment with our own bathroom, but there are two Chinese girls who live below us and one girl from Austria. There's also a kitchen on the first floor of "our" apartment, but we never cook because we always eat with our family. I haven't been there, but I assume Joshua's apartment is the same. I don't know anyone else who lives there except for another dude from Austria named Lenz. Anyhow he's the same age as us, but he's from Germany. Speaks a lot of German, a little less english, even less spanish. He's only staying here for a month because he's going to work afterwards at a hotel in the Canary Islands in Spain! He's brave. He also said something about working in Paris at Disneyland, but I can't figure out where that fits in his story haha. I think he's going to work there after that? No idea. Anyhow, Joshua is also going to Alcalingua so I'm going to take him under my wing. Wiiiiiings. Actually I have no idea what I'd do from that point but at least we're friends:)

In conclusion:

Segovia is awesome.
Spanish food is awesome.
Joshua is awesome.
You're awesome for reading this far. 

That's all I've got. Peace, love, and bocadillos, y'all.

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