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Sunday, August 30, 2015

On New Digs and Visiting Madrid

Hola todos!!

So I have yet to be able to get pictures to update here because they're all on my phone and the wifi isn't really as quick as I'd like it to be. I'm mostly just impressed now when I can get it to do anything. Also something that worries me a tinch, the converter I have for the plugs here (which are different and have a different voltage than in the states) isn't really doing what it's supposed to and I'm pretty sure it either 1. doesn't work or 2. is going to blow up all my chargers. So there's that to investigate. 

I think the perfect explanation of how I felt once I got on the airplane to Madrid and afterwards: I feel like my life is a textbook. Like someday I might be one of the background faces in a picture captioned "Borja y sus amigos estan jugando al parque".

Anyhow, so I arrived yesterday at 8 in the morning after flying all night. I took a taxi all the way home (lo cuestó 50 euros!!) and got to meet my host family. They are precious. And it has been a test to understand what they're saying. #unintentionaltextbookreferences. We went as a group then to walk around Madrid for almost the rest of the day, it was crazy! I guess what was crazy besides you know, different city, different language, different culture, different world type dealios- was once we were done walking with Prof. Alba and our tour guide, they basically said "great, well... have fun! don't forget how to take the bus to get back to the train station! Stay together! peace out bye" and left us. Twelve students with nothing but time to kill in Madrid. Sometimes I forget I'm an adult.

To answer some questions I've been asked:

What time is it by you? 
-generally 7/8 hours ahead but obviously depends where you're asking from

Am I speaking a lot of spanish?
-I really don't want this to come off as sassy in a disrespectful way, but my life is spanish right now haha

Do they speak english?
-a lot of people here speak little bits of english, but I would say as a whole "no".

Did you sleep well on the plane?

Do you have air conditioning?

Madrid is beautiful. It reminds me a bit of home in Madison, but in a more attractive spanish way haha. There are trees everywhere and an interesting mix of ancient buildings (read: historical), old buildings (read: ghetto), with modern architecture (read: looks like a Spanish New York but not littered with garbage). You walk everywhere. We walked everywhere. You can also take the bus but straight up currently I do not trust myself and public transportation... if my feet are still kickin', I'd just rather walk. Also I was going to give another shout-out to Dad for helping me buy this awesome purse but it officially broke on Day 1. Backpack it is.

Our town, Alcalá de Henares, is also beautiful. A smaller town than Madrid for sure (since Madrid is the capital) but so beautiful. Our host parents are Gloria y Raymundo and they have two kids that I've met thus far, Borja y Mirian- if I caught their names right. Borja is 19 and he works as a lifeguard, Mirian is 11 and she watches spanish-dubbed disney channel all day. It's hilarious. I wish I could explain to you where we live better, but it's just one of those things that I personally wouldn't really understand unless I saw pictures. But anyhow, we live in the attic of their apartment-that sounds like dusty old ceiling-basement, but it really just means room at the top floor with slanted ceiling. There are two beds, two side tables, a little desk, another little table, a closet, a mini fridge and we have our own bathroom! And a sweet window that I can't remember the name of... Mom, whatever we have in the kitchen on the ceiling for "natural light" is what we have. What's funny about our room is the slanted ceilings and the bathroom. No joke, I can't stand straight in a good 40% of our room, also the bathroom. There isn't enough space for a standing shower so we have this sweet bathtub. To say the least, I've put off showering maybe a little longer than I should have because I'm intimidated by bathtubs that have shower head attachments. Haha............

So that's that. Oh hold up, one more thing. We totally went to church today, it was awesome!!

So there are advantages and disadvantages to where we live. The other kids in the program live with separate families, so we're all spread about in Alcalá but all within walking distance of each other and the university. Kat and I happen to live super close to the university [hallelujah], but.... very far from church haha. We actually walked today and it really wasn't that bad, 30 minute walk. Kat has a way better sense of dirrection than I do so I'm probably going to spend the next 3 months as co pilot or we are going to need an hour to correctly get across town. We pass this awesome soccer field on the way to church that has this sweet art on it:


I think that's it, but I can't remember. Honestly it's in giant person-sized letters and goes on for a whole block so it's hard to read in the first place. I'll get a picture some time. But yeah, there's graffiti everywhere but it's really cool. As in, not swearing and and drug references everywhere, it's actually beautiful to look at. Also it's probably is swearing and drug references... I'm american. What do I know haha.

Anyhow, our ward is pretty big. I couldn't give you an estimate on the size because it didn't feel big to me, but that's what the missionaries said. Yes, it's all in spanish. Possibly the quickest spanish I have yet to hear haha. But the building is beautiful! Apparently I think everything is beautiful, but I want you to visit the building for our homeward and then go anywhere else and try and tell me that the world isn't beautiful comparitively haha. That is an old building.  I met a lot of people and thus part the hardest thing in regards to that is understanding their names. They are not Carlos, Margarita, Maria, and whatever else classic Mexican name you probably have in mind... I have to ask everyone how to spell it because I definitely don't always understand how they said it.  for example Borja the son of our host family? Definitely thought he said Bolsa. Which means bag.

Thus far it's been really fun. The people are very forgiving or at least patient with the faces I must make when I somehow get lost in translation and they have to start their sentence/monologue from the beginning haha. But for the second day, I feel way more comfortable than I thought- my spanish is a lot better than I give myself credit for. My understanding is the exact amount I give myself credit for haha.

it is stinking hot here.
all. the. time.

my poor roommate has to hear me fuss about it probably an excessive amount... but seriously I can only imagine this is what it feels like moments before spontaneously combusting. As someone who has grown up with the heat set at 65 year round and windows open in the Wisconsin winters (thanks Dad), I pretty much feel like I'm on fire. All the time. And it doesn't cool down until like 3 am. It's coolest in the mornings at like 6 or 7 am and it just climbs until like 10 pm or so. So that is definitely different haha.

That's basically it for today. Lastly, a Sunday thought for y'all!

el Señor esta en todos lugares
God is in all places.

this is a sound bite from someone at church today, but it touched me so I wrote it in mi libro de estudio personal. In the United States where everything is familiar, I'm accustomed to the patterns of living, I have places that I find to be quiet places to think and listen-I already have an idea of God and how He interacts with me in my life. Since moving to Spain, I know it's important to remember that God is not the reino of solely the United States and nothing else- because his children have a global spread. God cares for everyone. And If I know that God cares for everyone in all places, I can know that God cares for me in this new place. Probably especially so with all of the little anxieties that sneak up on you when you have big change in your life. I actually ran into a girl I knew from freshman year who is serving her mission in Spain and literally just transferred to Alcala, but it was such a happy thing to see a familiar face in a new place. God is good:)

Thanks for reading this far! Or skimming to the bottom because I added a picture haha. Here's the picture you've probably already seen on Facebook with Sarah, Kat, Alyssa, and I from when we went to Madrid. I have no idea what the building is. They all look the same because I'm American. Sorry.

Con amor!!

On Travel

Hola todos!!


Haha I realize some of my friends who might be reading this know next to nothing about why I’m in Spain. I want to jokingly say we are all in the same boat. But on a serious note, I’m studying with BYU’s study abroad program here in Alcalá de Henares. Our program is about 14 people or so big. We go to school and take classes at the university here (yes, they’re all in Spanish. Yes I speak Spanish.). We stay with host families here, travel on the weekends to see different historical parts of spain, and have a lot of patience with language gaps.  I’ll be here until I go back home to Salt Lake in November to work before Christmas/winter semester starts.

So some stories:

First off I would just like to announce as a nearly factual personal opinion: there are seriously only 2 things experienced at an airport
1.     immediately starving when options are limited or nonexistent
2.     immediately having to pee when it is most inconvenient

also if you're me, you have probably forgotten to charge your cell phone.

If you’ve been keeping up with the saga that has been dubbed “crappy travel inconveniences”, this is an extension of those updates.

So back on Thursday and back in Milwaukee I had a suitcase, purse, backpack, and a flight to the east coast that would have then take me to Europe. As it turns out, I’d have to make new arrangements. I even got to the gate early enough to plot out my last supper… I had the most American meal I could think of (read: I could walk to in 3 minutes) so I had a big sloppy bacon cheeseburger from Johnny Rocket’s. But I was also really hungry and very American so there wasn’t much thinking involved. It was glorious.

Fast-forward 4 hours later, I’m still sitting in the Milwaukee airport. My flight out of North Carolina was cancelled for some reason; they never actually said why, I’m guessing weather or black magic. But oh man when they first told me about the cancellation it was an absolute nightmare. Panicked is not a big enough word for how strung-out I felt. The lady at the desk was talking out loud/at me trying to reroute the flight, but ultimately said it couldn’t be done here at the gate so I went directly back to ticketing (aka point A on the Milwaukee Adventure where you check in and drop off your suitcase). It’s funny because I immediately started thinking to myself “shoot I bet I forgot something. I bet I forgot something important and God is totally gonna hook me up… or maybe I still need to do something before I leave… why would my trip need to be delayed?”

To make a long story short because I realize I’m being lengthy about things that don’t really matter: airports are stressful and I really feel for the workers because they probably get asked a million identical questions daily, get fussed at for things that are out of their control, and nobody is ever that happy to be at the airport… that pretty much just sounds like the worst.

I will not apologise for the amount of airport selfies I have. I dedicate this picture and this caption to a fragment of my life I will never get back, waiting to be picked up at the airport.
Oh shoot haha and in case you were wondering I flew out the next day from Chicago a million hours later.

I actually was thrown on a coach bus to drive down to the Chicago airport because there was a slight delay on the flight from Milwaukee to Chicago and they didn’t want to risk missing my flight. It was more fun than flying, can’t really complain. And the bathrooms in a coach bus are way classier than an airplane!! And by classy, I mostly mean about 2 inches wider than a shoebox aka an airplane bathroom.

being a super dork taking pictures with my only travel companion

So anyhow, I’m typing this currently while on my way to Madrid. I was hecka nervous leaving yesterday and earlier today, but not any more which is great. I woke up for the last two days in a panic

God bless facebook and smart phones and the Chicago airport for giving me 10 more extra minutes of free wifi than Milwaukee because my roommate Kat had messaged me with slightly more detailed help to get me out of Madrid when I arrive. Crisis averted. I have euros, I have the address, I have half-a-brain… I can find a taxi. Quizás.

I actually thought this would be easier to write in a concise logical format and then I remembered that the way I tell stories verbally isn’t exactly concise or logical so… this is my writing style haha. Other interesting things of note:
            -It is freezing on this plane because I am in the emergency exit row and my toes are SO SAD ABOUT THIS
            -Since we’re flying overnight I get to eat dinner on a plane!! I like to keep my expectations low at this point, so I’m hoping for crackers and a cup of water. I know for a fact I can at least get a cup of water. #realisticexpectations. But also seriously refer to “basic airport rule of thumb #2” --- I’m also starving, so I’m pretty sure I’d happily eat a chocolate covered rock if that’s what they handed me.
            -totally watched this full-grown man blow up and cuss out the man working the desk and it was supes awkward… one of the moments where there is full-out shouting in public so everyone stops what they’re doing to watch. Yikes.

Jeeeeeez I have so much time to write…

I guess to kill time I’ll also mention that I wasn’t as panicked as I could have been because by freak coincidence I met a girl also from Milwaukee going to Madrid so we were both mildly inconvenienced and have since then bonded. She’s totally normal and we’re very similar in a broad sense- both 20, going to Madrid, studying abroad, speak a manageable amount of Spanish… that was enough for me to start running my mouth haha. ‘Cept she didn’t get to take the coach bus to Chicago what’s uppppp I love my life.

Haha well…. It’s almost 10pm according to my central time zone watch. I’ve made a lanyard/boondoggle, ate dinner, watched a movie, contemplated embryotic life based on the amount of space I’ve been allotted to sleep… Dang I definitely thought I’d sleep no problem.  And yet here I am and I think we have about 3 hours left. To be fair though I’ve done fantastically passing the time up to this point, to give myself credit where no one has really asked.

Anyhow I think the hardest part about being Mormon at the airport is that you just trust everyone else is doing their own thing and don’t look at you “like a target” or a dollar sign. And if I just generalized too broadly, let me restate it… PERSONALLY I hate having to remind myself to be paranoid at the airport. I’m just lazy and trusting and don’t want to half to carry my backpack with me in the bathroom stall. To me it’s excessive, and what the heck who would want my stuff? But I did watch the first 20 minutes or so of that new Will Smith movie “Focus” so I feel like I already know how to foil a pickpocket so… Mom I just want you to know I am being VERY SAFE with my things. VERY VERY SAFE. You can stop messaging me warnings about gypsies. I keep all my things with me, I make sure it’s zipped up, I wrap straps around my ankles if I can’t watch it 100%, I watch those around me, and when I had to use the bathroom I had my Milwaukee friend look after my stuff and I told her exactly where I kept my valuables so at least I wouldn’t be surprised by the betrayal of our newly formed friendship. That’s a joke haha. But I did say that and she didn’t rob me blind so…

MY DINNER WAS AWESOME AND SURPASSED ALL EXPECTATIONS. I really don’t know what I ate to be completely honest, but I just feel like that’s kind of my life now. It wasn’t sucky at all. I don’t really remember too much about eating it since I was so hungry I basically inhaled it. But I’m super curious how they got it to be hot… an oven on plane is too far-fetched, yeah? More black magic at the airport…

So many jokes when you have nothing better to do but babble!!

Jeez oh man this is way longer than I anticipated. Don’t ever tell me I’m bad at keeping you up-to-date!

Lotsa love y gozo,


Epidsode One: Where I made a blog at the airport

Hola todos!!

Remember that one time I talked for an unbelievably long time about getting a blog for my study abroad and then didn't actually update it until 30 minutes before I boarded the plane? Ah yes... we're not through just yet, but this is the place! That very one, as prophesied in months past. Welcome to The Blog.

con gozo,